Empowering Knowledge
Research plays a role in highlighting disparities and inequities within education and disseminating meaningful examples of HPE teaching practices and effective professional learning. Research plays a role in shaping policy. This page serves as a repository for current research articles that explore the intersections of social justice and Health and Physical Education. The aim of this page is to showcase research that contributes to conversations on issues and practices within HPE classrooms.
Five Principles of Transformative Pedagogies in Physical Education Teacher Education
Referring specifically to the context of PE/PETE, Tinning (2017) described transformative pedagogy as an “educational perspective” that concerns itself with questions of justice, democracy and ethics. In this post, we outline five underpinning principles of transformative pedagogies that can guide HPE teachers and HPE teacher educators through the complexity of their own individual contexts.
Sometimes unfair is fair: New Zealand HPE teachers’ perceptions of social justice
This study shows that New Zealand HPE teachers perceive that social justice is an important concept in their teaching, but it is complex and understood in
different ways. The teachers identify how
they take action for social justice through practices that reflect a focus on representation of student voices,
recognition of differences, and redistribution of the classroom resources.
Caring teaching and the complexity of building good relationships as pedagogies for social justice in health and physical education
Caring teaching is a complex practice. This study shows that to develop good relationships teacher should: (1) actively attempt to develop knowledge about their students, (2) deliberately reflect on aspects of building good relationships and (3) convert this into good caring teaching strategies.
School Health and Physical Education: Is this the place and space for developing social cohesion in post-Covid schools?
What is the role of HPE in relation to working for social inclusion and
social justice? It provides an ideal interactive learning context for the teaching of
social cohesion and through extension social justice, by providing active learning experiences where students
can learn with and about other students with whom they may not normally associate with in their
daily lives and develop personal and social behaviours that can ultimately lead to both increased student
and societal health and well-being.
Part 1: The A to Zs of teaching for social justice in HPE
This article proposes a range of strategies that can be used by HPE professionals to ensure that the subject is meaningful and beneficial to all students. As every teaching context is enabled and constrained in different ways, teachers will need to use their professional judgment to recognize whether the ideas and strategies
outlined are appropriate for their teaching space.
Drawing on indigenous knowledge as part of a critical pedagogy in Health and Physical Education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Drawing specifically on the context of Aotearoa New Zealand, the authors describe the principles of Kaupapa Māori and how these principles have been articulated in HPE in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Using TPSR as a model for social justice in Physical Education
This article proposes five steps for teachers wishing to connect the well known instructional model 'Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility' to social justice